Wednesday 20 April 2011

A Trip to Mount Mary.

At Bandra on Pali hill is situated the beautiful cathedral of mount Mary.A sure visit for all those who live in Mumbai. In the cathedral  is the beautiful statue of mother Mary with Infant Jesus There is so much of serenity for the human mind, when you go and sit in that cathedral on the mount. The popular belief that  whatever  you ask mount Mary will be granted. People from all religions, caste and community come here. I make a trip every year with my family. The serendipity that I have come across visiting this place is immense. The peace of mind  one gets when one goes up the mount is more than anything one can ask  for or get. When your life is full of turmoil, when the waves are hitting high, when there is a cloud hanging over your head. When things are uncertain that is the time one should visit this place. The peace and tranquil that one feels in this church is not at all comparable to any other place on earth.    


  1. During the fair, the place looks so beautiful with all the decoration!
    And those different types of candles symbolizing different things.. :)

  2. Beautiful pics Anjana.Loved reading the article. Do post more such things.

  3. Thanks chitra! :)
    Yes, I will post.
    The Blue periwinkle- Yes! The place is more beautiful during the fair! But I always happen to miss the festival :(
