Monday 21 February 2011

Is Love a Utopia?

                                                                   Is Love a Utopia?
We see a lot this emotion called ‘love’ in the lives of people around us.  We find a lot of this emotion called ‘love’ among the youngsters i.e the college going crowd or the adolescent populace. This emotion called ‘love’ happens even among the middle age or the late forties crowd. It happens among those working together in an organization. 
        Is love an emotion or is it a utopian concept?  It is said that love happens when two people are together, who think alike, act alike who live alike. Is there any Utopianism in this so called ‘love’ and if there is love among two people is it a utopian situation there?
People who are in ‘love’ are they in what is called the real love or the Utopian condition which they imagine. Is there something called true love or perfect love or does it remain a utopia?
In the city of ‘Imbroglio’ (a very confused or complicated situation) there lived a boy by the name of ‘Ideal’ and a girl by the name of ‘Euphoria’. They were studying together. Education associated them and as they continued in their efforts this association formed a kind of fondness in them for each other. They began to feel the emotion of love. They are in ‘love’ people would say and for them there was ‘love in the air’. Till suddenly ‘Ideal’ felt that this ‘love is a distraction and could not concentrate on his studies.
 So he started distancing himself from Euphoria. He started giving excuses about them being together. This caused some misunderstanding and Euphoria feeling in secured she started accusing idea for neglecting her. There was lack of communication and ‘Ideal did not explain to her or the explanation given by ‘ideal ’was not convincing to her. This led to a separation between the two. They stopped associating with one another. The distance between the two widened and finally there was a breaking point and the two broke the relationship. Their conditions or circumstances caused the break. If love is conditioned then there is no ‘love’! So is ‘Love’ a utopia?
If these two people continue to Love one another even in the most difficult situations then they would have married and ‘happily lived thereafter’, but if they were interfered by any third person at their workplace or some common place then again there would be trouble, because three in a marriage is crowded. And the marriage doesn’t last. Then what is this ‘Love’ is it ‘true Love’ or Utopia?      
Even if the two people live together in the so-called perfect situation then they become so used to one another that the charm and Love which they had in the beginning dies down. Then they just live under one roof in a solitary existence. Then what is this ‘Love’ is it ‘true Love’ or Utopia?      
I put it in front of my readers to answer this question. Is Love real or a desire or a passion or a Utopia. They can answer this question better than anyone.
Love parenthetically is how a person perceives it.
                                                                                                        ©-By Anjana. Pai.

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